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Academic Vice Chancellor

foreign Lecturers (Professors)

No Name Father's Name Education Level Academic Rank Faculty Department Country
1 Elamir Amir Mahmoud Doctor(Ph.D.) Professor Medical Medical Laboratory Turkey
2 Muhammed Medrar Hussain Mukhtiar Ahmad Doctor(Ph.D.) Professor Medical Mirobiology Pakistan
3 Hakan Ozdemir Mahamed Doctor(Ph.D.) Professor Medical Medical Laboratory Turkey
4 Abdullah Namdar Ali Doctor(Ph.D.) Professor Engineering Structure Iran
5 Hazim Ridvan Elsiyed Doctor(Ph.D.) Professor Shariah Islamic Economics & Banking Turkey
6 Esref Devabe Mohammad Doctor(Ph.D.) Professor Shariah Islamic Economics & Banking Turkey
7 Sohail Ahmad Rabnawaz Khan Doctor(Ph.D.) Professor Agriculture Animal Nutrition & Production Pakistan
8 Ayub Khan Gul Muhammad Doctor(Ph.D.) Professor Agriculture Agronomy Pakistan
9 Iftikhar Hussain Fazal-Ur Rehman Doctor(Ph.D.) Professor Engineering Industrial Engineering Pakistan